Saturday, September 02, 2006

Just A Friendly Reminder

As if you needed to be told, September 12th will be the release of John Mayer's 3rd (let's say)studio album Continuum.The man is so lyrically gifted (to say the least) its as though he can't stop putting music out there,(Bless him) so I won't bother including all of his live albums including the Trio.

Justin Timberlake's sophomore album Future Sex/Love Sounds will be another chart topper yet again. We got a little teaser at the MTV VMA's and all I'm saying is..."I liked what I heard."

Like normal if you pre-order on itunes, you get bonus tracks.
Reviews on both albums to follow.

Waiting with bated breath


Margarite Elaine said...

I'm totally a fan of Justin and his new song is killer! I can't wait to hear his album.

Mimi said...

Cute Blog..will def be coming back..visit me sometime..ciao -mimi

Anonymous said...

When my husband comes to his senses...........Cameron is soooooooo out of there....LOL