I can't believe its almost 2007. The holidays have been hectic, but its
my favorite time of year so it makes everything worth it. I had a
wonderful Christmas and so did my family and that puts a BIG smile on my
face. So now I'm thinking what will my resolutions be this year. Last
year(well this year's really) was to slow things down. And I did...
drastically. Extreme? Yes. Necessary? Absolutely, and I think its one of
the best things I've done. That being said its time to pick up the pace,
not back to my old ways but there is a happy medium and that's where I
will dwell in 2007.
-More to come
This is the journal of a single, 20 something in the city. These are my likes & dislikes,my passions and everything in between.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Where Did 2006 Go?
Friday, December 15, 2006
What I'm Listening To Now: Jay-Z
I am still breaking in my new iPod (yes I finally gave in for an
upgrade, its a little roomy but it fits)
Its not very often my void for GREAT Hip-Hop can be filled. So it was
only natural that when I came across Kingdom Come, I knew it was an
absolute must for heavy rotation. I don't feel the need to explain how
great I think Jay-Z is because if you have ever listened to his music
then you already know. So instead I will give you some of my personal
"Hollywood" feat. Beyonce'
"30 Something"
"Beach Chair" feat. Chris Martin of Coldplay (one of, if not my favorite
"Minority Report" feat. Ne-Yo... Wow!
"Lost One" feat. Chrisette Michele
-All grown up
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
Good News
Sunday, November 05, 2006
I Almost Forgot
I was perusing itunes earlier this week and I came across "Deal Breaker"
a slightly humorous short story about a woman's dating dilemmas, that
was directed by Gwyneth Palrow. Its up on the iTunes store main page and
its a free download as well. I'm not sure if its a like the free music
download they do weekly, but just in case it is you have until Tuesday
before it changes to something else. Just thought I should post this in
case there is a Gwyneth fan (like myself) that wants to add her
directing debut to their iTunes film collection.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
This summuer I did a post on Dave Barnes and I can't help gushing about
this artist again (He's that good.)The more I listen to him the more I
love his music. I can't believe that this guy has not been a Vh-1 artist
"You Outta Know"... YET. If you haven't heard this man's music and if
you are like me who is always looking for great music, listen Dave. He
is truly an amazing gift.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Just A Friendly Reminder: Once Again
John Legend's sophomore album "Once Again" is out this Tuesday. If you
aren't sure of who he is let me refresh your memory...Grammy winner,
with hit songs, "Ordinary People" and "Use To Love You" works with
Kanye West. And if you still have no clue who Legend is, think Oprah and
her Legends Ball. He was the only male invited so he could croon for
the ladies. I've heard a few songs from the album and let me tell you,
its something special. "P.D.A." is already a favorite song, and I
haven't even heard the entire album yet.
-Review to follow
Back To My Old Ways
I made way back to Saturday morning yoga practice, and I feel great. I
had stopped going to Saturday practice for a month or so, and now
there's a different instructor, in fact its the same instructor that use
to sub for Saturday practices(whenever it was needed) Anyway her style
in more of a power yoga (I posted about her a few months ago.) Today's
practice was a nice change, and a wonderful work out. It was a bit
slower than what she normally does, but I did a lower body workout and
lots of cardio yesterday so I didn't mind, at all. Its different when
you go in not knowing what to expect for the flow of practice, then
going in expecting something/someone and getting something totally
different. This morning I wasn't sure what/who to expect, so everything
worked out well. That being said I will be starting back to my regular
Saturday practices again. Adding in one power yoga practice to my weekly
routine will spice things up a bit.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
I've Got My Eyes On (Quickie)

My heart beats for Ari Gold (Let's put that on a T-shirt?)
Pre-order and save a whole buck. Snorg Tees
What I'm Listening to Now: Corinne Bailey Rae
Sometimes my reaction to some music artists is very delayed. Case in
point, Corinne Bailey Rae. I've heard her music before, but I just
recently started to really appreciate her. I have been missing out. She
has this organic sound that's... perfectly, imperfect. A real
unrehearsed style that's amazing. Its going into heavy rotation. There I
said it.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Truth Be Told...
I'm enjoying getting use to my new Sidekick3 just as much as I enjoy
breaking in a new pair of shoes. So I miss my SK2.
...I'll get over it, I always do.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
I've Got My Eyes On...
Let's catch up, shall we? I love the ballet flats movement. They are comfy and you can dress them up & down, and I'm all about versatility (We can finally give the Manolo's and Choo's a break and still look chic.)I love these flats in metallics, sparklies, black and as pictured in this cute leopard print. London Sole

If you can't tell by now, I am a big Anthropolgie fan. I especially love their fall and winter seasons. The pieces from this store all seem to have a hint of nostalgia to them, which I love.
This jacket has grown on me. Again, the versatility puts a smile on my face. I can dress it down it with jeans or wear it to work with a fabulous skirt. Anthropologie

While perusing Girlshop (another favorite) I stumbled upon this "find" by Ziji.
When I was in Australia a few years ago, I was looking for some trendy pieces, Tsubi was one of the the brands that came highly recommended. Tsubi superskinny jeans with side zip, its time to pre-order at My Catwalk
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I've Found My Way Back
On the plus side its been nice having one phone to keep up with, but these days are soon over.
I have completely fallen off the Macrobiotics wagon. I will get back on....
I am narrowing down my list of what I've got my eyes on lately, so expect that post really soon.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
That's It
Next year I will be having a Grey's Anatomy season premiere party. It
came to me a week ago that I should be doing a party but I didn't have
enough time to plan one. I am very annoyed with myself. But next year,
there will be a party. Everyone may have to wear scrubs, I don't know.
I hope everyone enjoyed the premiere as much as I did.
-Happy Friday
Friday, September 15, 2006
Let's Review

Let the gushing begin.
Continuum is brilliant. I absolutely adore this album. (I am very passionate about my music, if you haven't noticed by now.)The sound of this album is amazing. Songs like "Waiting On The World to Change & "Belief" are thought provoking and funky. The iPod heats up with the sexy sounds of "I Don't Trust Myself W/Loving You" & "Slow Dancing In A Burning Room." I love how innocent "Stop This Train" & "The Heart Of Life" are. And I can't stop hitting rewind and getting lost in "Bold As Love." And "In Repair" does nothing less than move me.
I expect we'll be hearing some of John Mayer's new music on Grey's
Anatomy this season (maybe a song or two. Just guessing) House already used "Gravity"(good choice, good episode) I also won't be shocked if I'm in a swanky, posh lounge somewhere, and the Dj plays a song from this album. This album just gives off that type of vibe.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Let Me Count The ways

Justin, Justin, Justin. How much do I love, love this album? It was
tough not to hit that rewind button, the first listen through but I stayed strong. Yes I have rules for listening to a new album...no rewinding any songs the first listen. All songs must be listened to in its entirety. (Gives all songs a fair chance.) This is a rule my cousin and I use to use for when N'Sync albums came out, since then I have implemented this rule for Justin and JC's efforts as well. From the first song "Futuresex/Lovesound I was like, yes, I like where he's taking us. "...My Love" & "Lovestoned..." I was trying not to break out in a dance(Loving the Prelude for both of those songs by the way, and the interlude for "What Goes Around" Insane!) Then I got to "Summer Love" Love It! I thought if there were no more great songs on this album I would still love it. And then there was "Losig My Way" Have I mentioned I love this album? Its safe to say more than Justified.Futuresex/Lovesound has officially been placed in heavy rotation.
- I'm lovin it
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Who's First?
I've got both albums loaded in the iPod and I'm ready to go. And I've
decided to listen to Justin's album first, then Mr. Mayer. The deciding
factor was who I have been a fan of longer and (dare I say) MMC was
hands down(I may even have a few posters tucked away somewhere as
I haven't been this excited for an album release since Coldplay's "X&Y"
-Cover me, I'm goin' in
Sunday, September 10, 2006
I've Got My Eyes On...
I have been a fan of White Trash Charms ever since Ms. Bradshaw wore her "Lightning Bolt" necklace on Sex And The City. This is...cute.
I just may be the last person on earth who doesn't own a pair of these jeans. But I couldn't picture myself in them until now. But now that I can picture myself in them I will be getting them in a few colors(Oh yes, I've got shopping rules)Sass and Bide Net-A-Porter
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Just A Friendly Reminder

Justin Timberlake's sophomore album Future Sex/Love Sounds will be another chart topper yet again. We got a little teaser at the MTV VMA's and all I'm saying is..."I liked what I heard."

Like normal if you pre-order on itunes, you get bonus tracks.
Reviews on both albums to follow.
Waiting with bated breath
Friday, August 25, 2006
What I'm Listening To Now
The Fray, and lots of it. I absolutely adore their music I can't stop
listening to it. I love, love "Look After You" and of course "How To
Save A Life" "Vienna" and "Dead Wrong" are also amazing. I will be
checking them out on their fall tour. I can only imagine how they will
be live. But for now they will remain in heavy rotation. My poor ipod.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Taking A Chance
Yesterday I tried out a new hair stylist. I have been going to the same
stylist for years so I was completely nervous to say the least. What if
I don't like it? What would I do? Of course I was being a total drama
queen about it, it was really not that big of a deal (now, looking back
on it) but that's just me. I told him I wanted to do a look like Nicole
Richie, and that's what he gave me. I am totally pleased with my new
"Do" and I will be going back to him. So a little foolish advice? Try
something you wouldn't normally do or have wanted to do and haven't
-Feeling a bit more liberated
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
The Forgotten
With fall season premieres for all of our favorite shows popping up left
and right I can't help but pout that Love Monkey will not be amongst the
many line ups to return. I was watching Love Monkey last night, it was
whitty, charming, great story line to say the least. And why didn't this
show make it? It deserved another season. I hope the one season will be
released on dvd in the near future.(So I can delete all of the episodes
I have saved, so I can free up some space on my device) Love Monkey you
will be missed. Ok I won't harp on this any more.
I did enjoy the premiere of Prision Break I skipped out on Yoga last
night just to watch it live.****SPOILER**** Poor Veronica, but she
should have known better. She should have seen that coming. How will
they prove Stedman (is that his name?) is alive now that Veronica is out
of the picture. I bet they'll spend the whole season trying. Just a
hunch. I don't know about you but I am so excited for season premiere
of Grey's Anatomy. Don't even get me started on that show...Love it!!!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
My New Theme Song
You know how you listen to songs and sometimes you don't really pay
attention to what its really saying? Or am I the only one guilty of
this? Any way the song..."Jump" by her majesty... Madonna. Love it!!! I
heard it so many times. But today it finally clicked what I was singing
along to all this time. Quite the empowering number. Anyway the song is
on her "Confessions On A Dance Floor" album I also heard it on the
commercial for "The Devil Wears Prada" movie (yes its true, I haven't
seen that movie yet I'm probably the only one who hasn't seen it. Maybe
i'll do that this weekend) so its probably on that soundtrack, not to
mention its a great song for a dance party, party of one ;)
Saturday, August 05, 2006
My First Photo Shoot
One word...awkward. It was not glamorous at all. When I got in front of
the camera I was like a deer in head lights. Now what? (Is what was
running through my head) Turn here, arch your back, move that leg there,
chin up ok wonderful don't move. Uh chin down. Clearly I should have
prepared by watching a marathon of America's Next Top Model before
going. Eventually, I started to get a bit more use to it all. It was
quite exhausting. It will take a few more shoots for me to get use to
this stuff, I'm telling you.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Misfit of Love
So there is a quiz on msn.(Click title to take the quiz)Suddenly
Single: "Are You Beter Off Single." And I had a bit of a low (emphasis
on the bit) score. I believe its safe to say I'm a pessimist when it
comes to love or let's just say relationships in general. I just can't
be bothered with the headache of it all because yes they always turn out
to be more of a headache than anything else. I'm sure I should keep
trying until I find the one the doesn't cause that type of reaction,
because according to my score I need to think positively, and take
concrete action to improve my chances.(whatever) I will be sure to keep
that in mind, even if I am a Love Misfit. Well now you know what
category/range I was in.
But single or not I'm wearing my Manolo Blahnik "Mary Jane's" and I feel
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Focus, Focus,Focus
I know, I know! I'm suppose to be reading about Macrobiotics. But I keep
finding myself reading (whenever I can) more & more about yoga. Not that
my Macro studies are important or interesting its just that I keep
finding more and more things that just keeps me reading.
That being said I had a great practice this morning my favorite
instructor returned from vacation and everyone was happy to have her
back, I couldn't have been more pleased to see her myself. After class
it was like we were all little kids again running up to our favorite
teacher to gush about how great we think she is, she how she has been
doing, and tell her how much she was missed.
Ok! Ok!
-Getting back to Macro
Sunday, July 23, 2006
I've Been A Bit Sidetracked
Now on to more important things...
Not too long ago I stumbled upon this "Find" at Closet Therapy Blog

(By the way, doesn’t Posh look fabulous? I just love her.) I am 85% sure that this gorgeous Prada bag will be one of my staple bags for the fall/winter season. Its about time that I retire my wonderful black Marc Jacobs bag that has been with me through thick and thin...Well at least give it a break.
Warning!!! I am really trying not to make this another fashion blog. However every once in a while I will post about my current "Must Haves" and being that Fall and Winter (my favorite seasons) are upon us this may happen quite often which depending on the reader may/may not be a good thing.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
What a Find
Check him out http://www.davebarnes.com/

--Thanks John
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Never Say Never
I would always say that I would never dress my Yorkie up. I have been going strong with this rule for as long as I've had my little pup (3 years) But yesterday I was in Target and they had these Isaac Mizrahi polo's (note: that I had seen these before but I didn't give in) But yesterday I was caught off guard, my sweet boy had just got a new hair cut the day before needless to say10 minutes later I walking out with a blue striped polo for him. I gave in. But I think he likes it, (especially since it wasn't a struggle to get him in his new shirt.) Its very light, and did I mention its on sale in the stores, by the time I got to the register it was $6 and change. Here is the polo in red from target.com (FYI this item is full retail online)

Saturday, July 08, 2006
What A Workout
My yoga instructor was out today so we had a sub. This sub really
focuses on like Vinyasa/Power Yoga. Needless to say I know I will be
aching tomorrow. I was initially planning to go to yoga then do some
cardio after. But after today's practice...there is no need. I really
did enjoy it, it was a nice little surprise. I've had her as a sub
before, and she is great.
All I want now, is a shower.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Time For An Upgrade!

--They get me every time
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Trying Something New
I haven't posted in over a week. So what's new with me? Well... I
started reading up on Macrobiotics. It is rather interesting, and I've
heard good things about it. So I am going to try it out, I am hoping
that it will not be difficult adapting to this new life style for me.
-Wish me luck
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
BCB's Favorite Things
*Keilh's #1 lip balm (as well as the rest of their face and body line)
*Ipod mini Its definitely time for an upgrade but I can't seem to part
with this precious pink device.
*Fiji water (I think I could past a taste test)
*Chanel eye wear...its just so classic
*Marc Jacobs bag that thing has seen better days. And its the best thing
when I travel. Stuffed is an understatement.
*Sidekick2 it too has seen better days but I can't function without it.
*True Religion Jeans I love, love how they look and feel.
*Havaianas if I'm wearing flip flops its gotta be these they are comfy
and they come in every color you can think of.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
What a show
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Play it Loud
Sunday, June 04, 2006
I've been sucked in
The 4400 has had my undivided attention since 3:30 this afternoon. I've
been seeing the previews for the show and it looked quite interesting.
So I tuned in, and now I'm hooked. I can't believe that two seasons had
past, and I never heard of this show til now. Next Sunday is the start
of season three and I will be watching.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
False Alarm!
Blog is still here. My tester post made it to the blog, I was sure it
would be lost.
I love that I can post from my sidekick. Today was a lazy day. It
started with me missing yoga, and it was all down hill from there.
Laziness got the best of me. But its rainy out, and every once in a
while you are allowed one of these kind of days.