Monday, October 29, 2007

Fresh Out of Ideas

As you know I'm going on my first trip to Europe. So I am now desperately seeking some comfy, TRENDY shoes that I can prance around Europe in. I don't want to wear sneakers. Besides ballet flats, what are some other options? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

-In a quandary
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New Recipe

I think my (Tazo) Earl Grey tea has some kind of effect that makes me awfully bubbly. I've never noticed this mood enhancing effect before. Maybe I'm just excited that my Euro. trip is less than a month away, or could it be I have a pair of Wellies arriving today? (Will post a pic later today) Or my encounter with the cute Whole Foods employee was more amusing than I realized. What ever the reason is for my sudden glee, I must say I am very appreciative, because its Monday morning and things are not always this cheery.

Have a LOVELY week ~.~

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Saturday, October 06, 2007

I'm Such A Kid

I'm sitting up for the second night in a row, trying to transfer everything from my Sidekick to my new Blackberry that I got in yesterday and although I'm extremely tired I just want to stay up all night and play with my new toy. There's got to be a name for this sickness.

Listening to: Drastic Fantastic

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