Beginning November 30th "Men In Trees" moves to Thursdays (where it
belongs, in my opinion) not only is it moving to a new night, but a full
season of "MIT" has been ordered as well. Yeah!!!
-I'm excited
This is the journal of a single, 20 something in the city. These are my likes & dislikes,my passions and everything in between.
I was perusing itunes earlier this week and I came across "Deal Breaker"
a slightly humorous short story about a woman's dating dilemmas, that
was directed by Gwyneth Palrow. Its up on the iTunes store main page and
its a free download as well. I'm not sure if its a like the free music
download they do weekly, but just in case it is you have until Tuesday
before it changes to something else. Just thought I should post this in
case there is a Gwyneth fan (like myself) that wants to add her
directing debut to their iTunes film collection.
This summuer I did a post on Dave Barnes and I can't help gushing about
this artist again (He's that good.)The more I listen to him the more I
love his music. I can't believe that this guy has not been a Vh-1 artist
"You Outta Know"... YET. If you haven't heard this man's music and if
you are like me who is always looking for great music, listen Dave. He
is truly an amazing gift.